Saturday, January 10, 2009

Little Bugger!

Okay, yes I know Bugger in England is not a nice word, but in our family it has been a slang word for over 100 yrs now, due to my great gran being English so.... Anyway, there is NO other way to describe our son, not to mention he is deserving of this.

Today we went to Sam's Club and purchased way too many things, being among them, chips. Well, I couldn't fit the large box of chips in our pantry, so I looked for a place that would be handy and safe from my "little bugger". I put them up on top of our cabinets in the kitchen. While I was visiting Adam in our office upstairs, Alexander took the opportunity and went downstairs and pulled a chair up to the counter to try and climb up the cabinets. I came downstairs before he could pull this off. What I saw though, put the fear of God into me.

There was a chair pulled up to the counter directly beneath the cabinet where upon the box of chips was placed. I had announced that I was coming down the stairs and my little bugger that is almost 4 yrs old, ran for the hills. I did for the sake of letting people see how far up the box was put him on the chair and took pictures. I am sure many of you can relate.

Well, it is at the end of our day and I am tired. Unfortunately I don't think I will be going to bed anytime soon. Alysia, has gotten into the habit of going to see and then waking up at 10:30 p.m. and won't go to sleep until after 11:00. She has also been screaming during this time. Tonight, she is jumping and completely WIRED! My eyes however, are crossing! It also appears that she is taking to her sister's need to strip, and I had her safety pinned! I need a camera in there room so I can see how they are getting, naked.

Anyway, my love to you all, and yes, we have pictures to show, and no, Adam has not fixed the technical difficulties, which means I get to use his computer.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

No pictures yet, stay tuned!

Okay, every time Adam does something to my computer, it doesn't work right, OR he didn't put something back on that I use. Well, this time he did something to his computer, but didn't put our network connections back on so I can access the pictures. So, I am waiting until I can get onto his computer to add pictures. Sorry, it will happen I promise.

Okay, this weeks battle is with Neala keeping her clothing and diaper on. She LOVES to strip! Yes, that is ironic since we live here in Las Vegas, but she is driving me batty. She of course really does it when she is bed, takes her diaper off, and then promptly pees, or on more lovely occasions, poops her bed. She has had cold showers after this, spankings, and being yelled at, but nothing works. I think this weekend, I will be potty training her, if not all three of my little darlings. Course, my track record with Xander is not great so we shall see.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Listening to them scream!

As I write this, and yes, its a shock I am writing something again; my girls are going down for a nap and Neala is screaming her head off. She used to be the easy one. She would just go to sleep and Alysia would do the sonic scream for about 20 min.

Anyway, I was looking at my niece's blog and she is showing all the stuff that she did for the Holidays, including giving birth. I feel like such a slacker! I am however 10 yrs older and therefor giving myself a break cause we were all sick over Christmas. So, no, I did not get cards out, or a picture taken, and the 5 lbs of toffee that I made for friends and neighbors is still in my fridge. I did take pictures of the kids in their Christmas outfits, but the girls were sliding down the couch trying to get down and therefore their diapers were showing through their tights and well, it didn't make the cut. So, I didn't do anything, I gave up!

I just got called to a new position in church that well, I feel very inadequate for. I have all of the talents needed for it, but it is not something I enjoy stopping my life for to do, and I am afraid that I will let me, the Lord, and the people at church down. Since I will be in charge of certain things. Since I saw what happened over Christmas, and my niece Kimmie was still able to follow through and get things done and give birth, well..... That just tells me I am right to feel scared about the new calling. I can't say what it is yet, but there is a lot involved and I just don't want to let anyone down, including myself.

Later today I will get all the cutie pictures for the past 5 months that we have, posted. Also, I have forgotten how to get a new background on here so if anyone wants to help, feel free. If not, don't complain about it. At least I am writing and posting things again! Count your blessings. Peace and love, out!

Monday, January 5, 2009


The snow, was the week before Christmas. Not Thanks Giving!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Up-dating for me is a chore!

To those of you that actually look at my blog, or, our blog; I apologise for not getting this together sooner. I am horrible at letter writing esp when it comes to being on a computer for any length of time. My 3 children, well, if mommy is away, they will PLAY!

So many things have happened in the past 4 months. Lets see, first off Alexander started pre-school and then got kicked out because he was and is too hyper. So, he now goes to a pre-school for hyper active children at our local elementary school and the bus picks him up and drops him off and he LOVES it! They also give him speech therapy and he gets to play, so he is happy.

The girls are getting big and sassy! Neala has got my personality and if you knew me as a child you will laugh. She has my pout down to a "T" and she is VERY independent, she just wants to do for herself. I have to say though that she is of sweet nature and is usually happy and delightful, every one loves her, just like me. Funny thing is, she looks like her dad, except for the mouth and chin, that is all me. Her sister Alysia, she is a mommies girl! Lets hope for mommy's sake she will grow out of this or that mommy can smarten up and help her to grow out of it. She is a sweet heart and very soft hearted, she even reminds me of a china doll with her yia yia's dimples. She looks like me but she has daddy's mouth and chin. Funny that.

The other stuff is the Holidays came and went, we did get pictures before the Holidays flew by, as they did this year. The kids had a good time "Trunk or Treating", esp because they got to hold their own personal lite up pumpkins, next year we will try carving. I just couldn't handle 3 toddlers at once with a knife, call me crazy but there it is!

We have had visitors from Ohio drop by in November, and enjoyed it a great deal. My oldest brother Jon and his wife Jodi and heavens! We even got their daughters, Mollie, Kimmie and her beautiful little family, along their brother Chance that I hadn't seen in forever either! Since I hadn't seen Mollie since she was 8 or 10 yrs old this was awesome! Then I have NEVER seen Kimmie's beautiful boys except on pictures this was great! Plus she was prego with #3. Which because she too does a blog I got to see Kai, her new baby! He is beautiful too. Marry a beautiful man and that's what you get. The point is I was once very much involved with my brother Jon's family and since they have moved to Ohio, well I'm not anymore, and I very much regret that, and it saddens me. I love them, and I miss by brother.

"Hell does freeze over!" At least it did the week before Thanks Giving at our house. We live in Las Vegas/Henderson area so.... it does freeze. We enjoyed the snow that we received, the kids more than us. We got about 5 in. that's a lot considering where we live. Hope you enjoy the pictures, they are of Alexander playing in our back yard.

November I think was as active as December usually is this year. We just had a lot going on and because we kept getting colds that didn't help, so I didn't get cards or anything done for Christmas that I normally try to do for sake of tradition, and family fun. I just couldn't do it all. We did however have a very Merry Christmas and look forward to a great New Year, can't be.... Let us hope it is better than the last. We all have a lot to look forward to in everything that we do, and hopefully making better our relationships with friends and family.

So a New Years goal, or resolution for me.... Keeping this blasted blog updated.