Thursday, January 8, 2009

No pictures yet, stay tuned!

Okay, every time Adam does something to my computer, it doesn't work right, OR he didn't put something back on that I use. Well, this time he did something to his computer, but didn't put our network connections back on so I can access the pictures. So, I am waiting until I can get onto his computer to add pictures. Sorry, it will happen I promise.

Okay, this weeks battle is with Neala keeping her clothing and diaper on. She LOVES to strip! Yes, that is ironic since we live here in Las Vegas, but she is driving me batty. She of course really does it when she is bed, takes her diaper off, and then promptly pees, or on more lovely occasions, poops her bed. She has had cold showers after this, spankings, and being yelled at, but nothing works. I think this weekend, I will be potty training her, if not all three of my little darlings. Course, my track record with Xander is not great so we shall see.

1 comment:

Harada's said...

Eli went through this phase, i know its so frustrating. just try and keep cool and work on potty training. you are so brave to try and potty train all 3! I hate potty training.Good luck!!