Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Listening to them scream!

As I write this, and yes, its a shock I am writing something again; my girls are going down for a nap and Neala is screaming her head off. She used to be the easy one. She would just go to sleep and Alysia would do the sonic scream for about 20 min.

Anyway, I was looking at my niece's blog and she is showing all the stuff that she did for the Holidays, including giving birth. I feel like such a slacker! I am however 10 yrs older and therefor giving myself a break cause we were all sick over Christmas. So, no, I did not get cards out, or a picture taken, and the 5 lbs of toffee that I made for friends and neighbors is still in my fridge. I did take pictures of the kids in their Christmas outfits, but the girls were sliding down the couch trying to get down and therefore their diapers were showing through their tights and well, it didn't make the cut. So, I didn't do anything, I gave up!

I just got called to a new position in church that well, I feel very inadequate for. I have all of the talents needed for it, but it is not something I enjoy stopping my life for to do, and I am afraid that I will let me, the Lord, and the people at church down. Since I will be in charge of certain things. Since I saw what happened over Christmas, and my niece Kimmie was still able to follow through and get things done and give birth, well..... That just tells me I am right to feel scared about the new calling. I can't say what it is yet, but there is a lot involved and I just don't want to let anyone down, including myself.

Later today I will get all the cutie pictures for the past 5 months that we have, posted. Also, I have forgotten how to get a new background on here so if anyone wants to help, feel free. If not, don't complain about it. At least I am writing and posting things again! Count your blessings. Peace and love, out!


Katya, Bryan, Kaio and Yana Spuhler said...

You crack me up!!! I'm so excited that you are back blogging again! And don't worry about your new calling, I know that whatever it is you'll do great. Looking forward to seeing you this friday(that is if Kaio doesn't continue to be a monster and does something good to deserve going to the "jumpy place", as he calls it.)

Harada's said...

okay, I am so not as cool as you think I am! I have been totally slackin on a lot of things, such as one of my church callings. I am in charge of midweek activities and I have not planned anythimg for 2 months now! I suppose I should put as much effort and time into that as I do other things. It is hard to do though, when u r so busy with 3 kiddos and house to keep up on. going from 2 to 3 kids is pretty dificult. kuddos to you for surviving with twins! I dont think I could survive that!
I cant wait to hear what your calling is, and I am sure you will have fun with it.